Can You Add Too Much Diesel 911
- #2
The just thing it volition harm is your purse.
- #iii
An ounce or two over? Probably harmless. If you start dumping a gallon of the stuff though, I'd imagine things would become weird.
- #four
One time I was quite low on fuel, and the car wouldn't starting time. I dumped a canteen of that in the tank because I was in a pinch and information technology started. I drove to the filling station and filled it up! And so It got me out of a pinch
- #five
In that location was a thread here about a paper on likewise much additive. Can't find it though.
TDIClub Enthusiast, Veteran Member
- #6
I never measure the corporeality of additive I use and I tend to overdose it a bit. I typically apply about an ounce of additive per gallon. With PowerService Diesel fuel Fuel Supplement (white canteen) or Diesel Kleen (silvery canteen), I've found that MPGs go DOWN a little bit if I overdose it. With Howes Lubricator Diesel Treat (my favorite condiment), I've found the additive helps MPGs some but an overdose merely provides no additional benefit.
I fuel up ONLY at decorated high volume / high turnover stations forth major routes to become simply the freshest fuel in the region. I too regularly use an additive (Howes). Going on xiii years and more than than 700k miles of diesel driving and with ZERO fuel related bug.
Expert luck.
TDIClub Enthusiast, TDI Parts Ninja Vendor , west/Bus
- #12
Only using Stanadyne Lubricity due to ULSD.
All the major brands are ULSD formulated today.
- #13
Near additives employ a chemical like to mineral spirits as the carrier for the bodily additive components. The ratios vary, but lx-eighty% is common. A little overdosing is typically harmless, but significant overdosing is non advisable.
- #xvi
Using additives since 24-hour interval one. OK, since the 2nd tank of diesel as I know the dealer didn't add any when I purchased it. PowerService mostly with a few Stanadyne doses hither and at that place. 4-6 oz's. Doesn't demand to exist exact. 161K miles and still going....
btw... I have NEVER used whatsoever of those additives that say "Tin exist used for gas or diesel fuel engines." Run, run abroad from those!
- #17
I take an all-encompassing background in additives as related to 2 stroke and 4 stroke gasoline engines. Just recently my company began work understanding diesels and the human relationship to additives. I could write a book on gasoline additives merely that would be tiresome. The simple answer is to "never" overdose. In most cases you are either throwing money away or will eventually create a new problem. Exercise additives piece of work "yes". Exercise yous need to be careful "yes". I don't want to say who I work for as we don't advertise or sell products on this site. This is a great forum and I purchase products from a sponsor of this site for my 2013 Passat TDI.
You might think I'm an A-pigsty for asking, but why are you advising on the use of additives in diesel engines, when you conspicuously state your company's experience is with gasoline engines?
What do y'all base your advise on?
- #19
I fill the filter with power service for each change
Sent from my iPhone while eating a cheeseburger and driving 45 in the fast lane.
Aforementioned hither.
- #22
I have been keeping my eye on diesel additives for years. Some knowledge is transferable between diesel and gasoline engines and some is not. What actually has me concerned is the lack of bench testing on additives and what they practise to the DEF systems. The DEF systems are very expensive to repair and I have seen little to no solid examination results. The 2nd expanse of concern is Wear Scar. If nosotros all agree 500 is to high, exercise we care for to 450 and call information technology a day. Any do good or downside taking information technology down to 350. I am just some other VW owner who wants the all-time for his car. I will say that this site has some very good data and thanks to those who contribute on a regular ground. No offense taken as I am a new member.
Glad to have you amongst united states. We're all request similar questions well-nigh long-term usage of additives. We're besides aware that the additives the consumer adds are the same that the cease-line fuel dealer is, or should, be adding, and so the question continues: IF the fuel is already adequately "additized" by the fuel dealer, does ADDING create greater problems for pumps/injectors/emissions systems. We already suspect that the additives are (maybe) important if the fuel ISN'T properly additized.
Those of united states of america early CR owners take to accept that we are functioning as "beta testers" for the auto/fuel industry. No one knows what the "real earth" variables will practice to the immovability of all of the fuel pumps/injectors/emissions systems.
(PS: y'all meant DPF (diesel particulate filter) not DEF (diesel fuel frazzle fluid)
- #23
If you would take a adept look at the Powerservice products - you'll find they are mostly highly refined D2 (now ULSD) along with the "additives" the manufacturer is putting in. QED - it may not be a good employ of those products to run them without mixing, just it's not going to injure your car. I take not looked as well much at anything else, but a similar ascertainment would not surprise me.
- #24
Those of us early CR owners have to have that nosotros are functioning equally "beta testers" for the auto/fuel manufacture. No one knows what the "real world" variables will do to the durability of all of the fuel pumps/injectors/emissions systems.
With all respect, I recall the beta testing was accomplished years ago. Don't fuel up with gasoline or kerosene and in all likelihood your fuel system will alive a long, long fourth dimension. I personally additize with ashless 2 stroke oil(cheap, available, and effective) . I'm non besides concerned well-nigh the emissions system as i have a downpipe fix to install. I'one thousand pretty certain threre are many 250,000+ mile cr tdi's running around with cypher additive employ.
- #25
Mutual respect, yes, just in that location are 2012, 2013 AND 2014 HPFPs declining.
- #27
It seems to me that the only real problems with nigh overdosing is the consequence that will happen with blowby into the oil. And in this arena, the cetane enhancer chemical(s) would be the culprit. That is, since most cetane enhancer that I have ever heard identified is a nitrate. That nitrate radical stuck onto a hydrocarbon concatenation serves to help ignite the fuel since it is much less stable and and then it burns hands. The results of it burning are nitrogen compound(s) that, combined with h2o vapor (also a combustion product) create nitric acrid.
Since oils incorporate a base component specifically to neutralize such combustion product acids, y'all tin rest bodacious that damage will upshot if:
1) you massively overdose on every tank
2) you only bulldoze brusque trips, never letting the engine warm up
3) you do not alter the oil when you lot should.
Of form, the caveat is the ofttimes asked and never answered question of how much is also much? I can't respond that either.
So my answer to the OP'southward original question is, don't worry virtually it. Get the additive level close with your favorite additive and drive more, worry less.
- #29
^^^ANYBODY who pretends to have the answer to this question is simply...PRETENDING!
- #thirty
Hither's a better question..... if you are running B5 or even B10, is ANY additive too much (other than a biocide)?
I am going to assume you mean a lubricity additive, because even with Bio, I still call up you need deposit command and h2o control.
Then with lubricity additives, they seem to be less constructive the better the fuel is to start. Lets make up and additive to show an example. Lets call it..... Testimonials Merely.
So when we exam Testimonials Only on fuel that has an HRFF of 550, the additive will get it downward to an HRFF of 320.
When we examination Testimonials Only on fuel that has an HRFF of 450, the additive will get us downwardly to an HRFF of 290.
When we examination Testimonials Only on fuel that has an HRFF of 350, the additive will get u.s.a. down to an HRFF of 270.
When we examination Testimonials Only on fuel that has an HRFF of 250, the additive will get the states downwards to an HRFF of 245.
When we test Testimonials Only on fuel that has an HRFF of 150, the additive will become us down to an HRFF of 150.
The improve a fuel is, the less the additive package for lubricants will help.
I have talked with Steve about this and I think they tested their product (XPD) on B10 or B20 and the HRFF score got worse. But there is a variance in how an HRFF test is done, so information technology probably has no effect on the fuel.
^^^ANYBODY who pretends to have the answer to this question is just...PRETENDING!
I'k in
Can You Add Too Much Diesel 911,
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